SEND- Each site has a named Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator who supports the children, staff and their families.

The Sunshine Day Nursery Aims:

  • For any concerns raised by parents to be addressed with the key person, staff within the room and the SENDCo. The SENDCo will inform the Nursery Principal of any concerns about children’s development. Meetings will be arranged to talk through concerns and meetings set up with the LEA if necessary.
  • To work with parents, to have an open and honest relationship with parents. If staff have any concerns about a child’s development they will observe the child in the area that they may have the concern and then will discuss this with the child’s parents/ carers and the nursery SENDCo.
  • To ensure the SEND of the children are met, as far as possible, within the nursery environment.
  • To ensure that each child with SEND takes part as fully as possible in the activities of the nursery.
  • To provide a secure learning environment in which each child can reach his/her full potential.
  • To promote close co-operation with parents and any other relevant outside agencies.
  • To support the SEND of the child by providing 1:1 care for children on and Educational Health care plan if informed by the Local authority.