

We believe the safeguarding of children should be everyone’s responsibility and we rely on anyone working with children to take suspicions or allegations of child abuse seriously and act on them appropriately. We must collectively take responsibility for the protection of children against anything that could have an impact on their wellbeing.

Both our sites have Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and Designated Safeguarding Deputies (DSD). Please refer to the display in the entrances to identify who is responsible for this role.

Every day there will also be an assigned Designated Safeguarding Coordinator (DSC) that will take on the responsibility for safeguarding in the absence of the DSL’s or DSD’s.  This will be displayed on the entrance doors as you go into the building and should be taken note of each day. It is your responsibility to be aware of who the DSL/DSD/DSC is for the day.

It is the responsibility of ALL staff to ensure that the wellbeing of the child is paramount. If you have any concerns you MUST alert the DSL, DSD or the DSC who is trained in the procedures to follow.